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I Shaved My Head When Robert Stanfield Died

"...because Canadian politics is a baffling mystery that, when explained, still doesn't make sense, and has no bearing on anything." -Commenter on a Diefenbaker YTMND I made

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Thank you William.

Fortunately William McBeath is an individual who is willing to dialougue with some degree of respectibility and he has been so kind as to remove the allegation that my campaign received the support of the Liberal party from his blog. The allegation was a surprise to me and I am in contact with the LPC to get a corroboration. I mean, who would ever have believed that the Liberals would pull the Mulroney Manouvre TM, wherein a candidate who is believed to be weaker is backed so as to avoid a final vote directly against the stronger candidate? (it is believed that Mulroney delegates added to Clark's vote total to put him past John Crosbie and on to the final ballot at the '83 convention)

I mean the Grits have been paragons of electoral openness! Why they were even so kind as to tell Dalton Camp that they were plying the voters with whisky the day of the election. Or there was their help in defining the politics of multiculturalism on the west coast in the 30's by letting voters know that "a vote for the CCF is a vote for the Oriental." And let's not forget the Liberal committment to meeting issues head on. This is the party that called a leadership convention for the day of the Meech Lake ratification deadline, so that John Turner's replacement could let the voters know just what he or she thought about the issue, wait that doesn't sound right. Or there was the attempt to delay that pesky redistricting after the Liberal win in '93, that was beaten down by the undemocratic Senate. And let's not forget the renegotiation of NAFTA and the elimination of the GST promised by Chretien, It certainly takes courage for a party to vote against its own redbook promise, or to be so concerned with meeting the people that they lost a vote to adjourn with a paltry majority of 33 and what's more there were beaten by that famous vote counter Joe Clark. Yes, truly the federal Liberals are a party that exemplifies virtue in politics.


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