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I Shaved My Head When Robert Stanfield Died

"...because Canadian politics is a baffling mystery that, when explained, still doesn't make sense, and has no bearing on anything." -Commenter on a Diefenbaker YTMND I made

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Extra Bonus! Whoa Hold on here not too pretty boy...

So Harper says that bill C-38 has less legitimacy because it was supported by less than a majority of federalist MPs. Then how did his psudeo non-confidence motion, which would have laughably failed, but for the support of all the separatist MPs, have any legitimacy whatsoever?

Just asking. You idiot/hypocrite. Oh my! Did I say that out loud?

Mulroney: Not dead yet, giving boys in R&D ample time to develop vandalism proof gravestone.

Thus far they have perfected the feeces repeller. But, I'm not bitter.

I'd love to ask him why. Why NAFTA? Why the merger? Why not fire Crow? Why fund NAC?

Brian Mulroney, Post-Modern Prime Minister. Ugh. On the other hand the whole anti-capital punishment thing: Good.

So here it is Brian, I am issuing an open challenge to you: Contact me and arrange a bull session to tell me why I shouldn't spend the rest of my days working to dismantle your legacy brick by brick. Call me your summer project if you will, I don't care, I just want to hear from someone other than Milton Friedman why. I don't think you're dishonest, but I do think you cynically campaigned against Turner's integrity in '88, and I think you were too willing to get a deal.

Until another dream dies,


Sunday, June 26, 2005

One of the advantages of working night shift is that I can post drunk at 1:00 PM without being called an alcoholic, just a late riser.

Don Martin on CTV today speaking out of his nose. Craig Oliver marvelling at Paul Martin's newfound cojones. Alan Gregg saying that Harper should admit he hates politics. I think that there ought to be a mandatory 10 year prison term for anybody who utters the words, "Harper, like Trudeau," well no, I don't, but I like to say it.

Craig Simpson: Stephen Harper craves normalcy, turbulance doesn't happen to Calgary school economists. It happens to Alberta liquor store workers who've seen their wages fall by more than 60% and the number of robberies increase. It happens to those on AISH who see thier incomes erroded by inflation. It happens to troops who are squeezed like everybody else dependent on Government funding. Turbulance happens to posties and iron workers and waiters and mid level accountants, but not Calgary school political economists.

You're a rich little bastard Stevo, and I just wish you'd admit it because people would trust you... distrust you less.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

And elsewhere in the news: More good guys didn't even get the chance to lose.

Neo-conservative beats Theocrat: I dunno, I don't think it'll help, but then again at least the guy had worked for a living at some point. There might be something resembling common sense and a sorta f-off attitude.

Sean's quick capsule review:

Sham election produces crazy bastard president. Maybe.

Dale Swirsky with some venon for Stevo and the Western Aliens:

"I agree with Stephen Harper that we should have lower taxes than the U.S. because I envy the $8-trillion American debt, and fondly recall the record deficit Mike Harris left here in Ontario. I also supported sending Canadian troops to Iraq and joining U.S. missile defence because they are our friends. I oppose Kyoto because it does too little to protect our environment, and so we should do even less. A firewall around every province and sovereignty-association for all, I say. Oh, there are so many reasons why I want to vote Tory."

"But, hold on, they're mostly westerners. I'm voting Liberal."

It's the only way the Neo-cons can continue to dominate the party. If they can convince the party it needs an eastern right wing nut instead of a moderate from anytown Canada, then it can continue to run the party on the off chance Paul gets caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy. All the far right wants is to run the party until the stars align then it can enter into an agreement that is so hard to break that the timid idjit who follows will try to govern around it.

Mike Constable Can't Draw

Seriously, the only reason he's still empolyed is his ability to combine virluent rhetoric with some semblance of graphic representation. This is what makes the recent controversy with Rabble so entertaining. They're so rarely good.

Exeption! Rick Salutin. This man could crap in a disk drive and it'd come out solid-gold-Canadiana. You hear me Rick, I am demonstrating hubris so that you don't have to.

And what's more the words Columnist Rick Salutin can be rearranged to say 'Kill scum incrustation.'

Ladies and Gentlemen: The well is dry.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Only In Canada would we investigate someone for being the victim of entrapment. If that someone is a political operative. Gurmant: You did what my RCMP friend confirms he'd be fired for doing. You created an unavoidable opportunity for crime. AKA Entrapment. It doesn't make it right if the fish takes the Bait.

Any responsible head of government would attempt to maintain the confidence of the house. Iand if Gurmant Grewal was stating that he'd be confident in a government that reccomended Nina to the Senate, then he'd be criminally negligent in his duties should he fail to make every effort to garner that confidence. Yes Andrew Coyne and Lorne Gunter, it does matter who called who.


Oh and Rick Mercer has found a new spot for Jason Kenney. Saw it coming. Liked self-promotion more. I'm having a drink and going to bed.

And yet you didn't see this photo in the National Post did you?

This was posted on Rick Mercer's Blog. Maybe someday I'll post a link to rickmercer.blogspot.com

Nice to see somebody is willing to let you know that Steven Harper, just like Bob, can't catch 1.000. Now do you think it's deliberate image molding by the Post not to show the dropped ball. I'm just saying, all the pro Martin columnists in the Post are already in the cabinet.

Even if only to decry the image-makery of the dropped ball, I would have liked to see the photo in the paper. I'm glad when we humanise our politicians. I know I'm human. I await the inevitable basketball in the face photo should I get a big campaign. Come to think of it, There isn't a summer sport marker that I haven't taken to the head. I've been hit by baseballs, basketballs, footballs, racquetballs, tennisballs, and even had the wind knocked out of me by a shuttle cock.

I just had an even better idea: Show multiple photos. It's not like you were going to put context where the photo would be. I'm just saying Don Martin, it's an option.

Point Number Two:

Now, according to the Post and Melanie Phillips, (No Relation to Shannon, I'm guessing) Le Monde has been carrying out a campaign of anti-semitism in calling the Israeli Government's actions Apartheid. If Melanie is, in reference to an opinion piece entitled Israel-Palestine: The Cancer, stating that any attack on a personal space for Jews is de facto anti-Semitic then I've got a post-modern bridge deconstructing kit I'd like to sell her.

But no, that's not by my reading of the article. Since she draws attention to the articles references to the irony of a state that decrees itself inherently Jewish, apparently, the paper attacks all Jews. However the article is referring, as best as I can tell, to the political class in the state of Israel. Melanie has read the Basic Law correct? The law that forbids a citizen who wishes to stand for public office from questioning the inherent Jewish nature of Israel. I have a lot of problems with a democracy that outlaws a potential for pluralism and I think Le Monde does too.

However, I don't think Melanie has read this section of the Basic Law, for there is no reference to it on her website except in the comment section.

So, to conclude, just because the Triangle Town Gazette writes an attack on the Squaresville government for discriminating against any who question the Quadrilateral nature of Squaresville, doesn't mean that any Squares in Triangle Town need fear reprisals. Those Squares aren't Squaresvillites, and if they wanted to be they wouldn't be in Triangle Town, where, despite the name nobody is discriminated against...

Except the Irish.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Vote Ed Komarniki! Or the Liberals will force Children to work for tainted beef, building Government housing!

In addition to failing to adress the Speaker

Ed apparently believes that:

1. The Grits had the power to directly affect a district court in the United States moreso than American Packers.

2. Apperently only farmers have to hold down multiple incomes to support a family. I don't think there was a non-working person in my house under the age of 16 at any time.

3. The Conservatives wouln't build wasteful social housing that nobody could see and that cost 60-80K per unit. A really cheap bachelor pad costs 60K in Edmonton. Bigger cities cost even more. So apparently Anti-Tories that live in land rich communities shouldn't drop writs. And Oh! I've mixed my metaphors!

Pat Martin is Builing to a Cresendo in a speech on defending the rights of the nation state in a debate on the treaties act and the dangers of "One rogue state, one rogue province, failing to respect the laws of the nation state." Hey, Mr. Klein. He followed some horible back bencher grit whose name I've already forgotten. Watch Pat Martin speak next time you watch CPAC... If you watch CPAC... If, your TV is stuck on CPAC. Pat Martin:

1. Speaks without 'notes.'
2. Speaks for strengthened federalism.
3. Understands that the nation-state is a good way to organize groups of governance over territory.
4. Knows that he has more than one gear.
5. Has just worked for 5 minutes to bury a bill that would have set the powers of the federal government back 70 years.

Yay Pat.

Comment you Bastards! I want, nay need, your responses and adulation! Criticism accepted at par Witticism at 2-1

In which our hero Discovers that the Matrix is a trick by super intelligent machines to make us accept the illusion that Keanu can act.

So what to say? I saw that Rick Mercer had started blogging and, since there's nothing I don't steal from him, like that time I had my own wildly popular news satire show, I decided to get back into the game with less obscenity... Maybe.

So what did I do today?

1. Had change thrown in my face by an irate customer that was galled at the fact that I had aked him to pay for food before he put it into the microwave. Lord knows nobody has ever had problems with a card before.

2. Told off Terry Bill and Steve, Mainly Terry and Steve, for implying that we politicians are a bunch of self interested cynical ward heelers in the game for the money and power. Some of us are in it for the women too.

3. Played poker, lost money.

4. Went to Denny's. Wished I had lost more money instead.

5. Bought Paul Anka's new CD, in which he covers Black Hole Sun. Thinking I have far too much disposable income. Fortunately only spent $13.90

6. Read Rick Mercer's Blog and e-mailed him saying he should link Kenny's site to www.progressivecanadian.com my party's website.

7. Enjoyed brief delusions of grandeur after referring to PC's as, "my party."

8. Realised there's no cute way to wrap up this list.

9. Died In Yoko Ono's arms.

Stay tuned for our next episode when Sean rants about not getting any.

[Cut to Sean] "You ever hear Bill Hick's bit about the wax dart? Oddly enough, true."