JJ McCullough: Arbiter of Socialism:
Which is some strange ideology which seems to encompass everything that ever veers left of McKenna Liberalism.
Let's see what Mr. McCullough Had to say about David Orchard's possible Liberal leadership run yesterday:
Also showing an interest is David Orchard, who is this weird socialist activist with an extraordinarily intense pathological hatred of the United States and free trade. Orchard is what they call an "entryist," namely a guy who tries to take control of things he should not be taking control of. He repeatedly tried to get elected leader of the old Progressive Conservative Party, for example.
Not withstanding the fact that he finished second each time, I wondered what the internet thought about Entryism, Anti-Americanism, and Socialism when searched for in conjunction with another Canadian politician: Pierre Trudeau.
When I search "Pierre Trudeau" on www.google.ca I get about 587,000 hits.
When I search "David Orchard" I get 363,000. Therefore if the ratio of "Pierre Trudeau" + X to "David Orchard" + X is 587/363 (About 1.6 or 8 to 5) or greater, Pierre is considered by the vox poppuli to be more X than David Orchard. Agreed? Good.
When Searching "Weird Socialist Activist" David: 16 Pierre: 229 about 15 to 1
When Searching "Hatred" + "United States" David: 4510 Pierre: 22,400 about 5 to 1
When Searching "Entryist" David: 102 Pierre: 6
This last one I will concede. People think David Orchard is an entryist. However, given that Mr. Orchard made his decision to first seek the PC leadership after talking political history with Pierre Trudeau one might simply say that the old dog was never one for good optics, which he proved when he took the leadership of a party that he had spurned his entire life time previously.
So was David Orchard a PC entryist when he'd never run for another party, but Pierre Trudeau who ran as an NDP'er, vocally criticised Pearson as the, "defrocked priest of peace," and proceeded to serve as his justice minister is not? Sure thing JJ.
Also David shaved that most Canadian of 'staches three years ago. Pity. And he's over six feet tall. So I don't know why you continue to draw him as some sort of bespectacled midget.
I suppose it's the Joe Clark effect. Joe was actually a few inches taller than Pierre Trudeau, but don't tell that to anyone who followed the era.
So yeah, JJ. Do the legwork, study the issues, and don't let Rod Love do your backgrounders. Oh, and JJ if you'd like equal time here at ISMHWRSD you're welcome to it.
McCullough Classiness update:
In response to a picture of Alberta PC Leadership contender Mark Norris JJ had this to say to me on MSN:
"I hope he wins he'll be so much easier to draw [than Jim Dinning]"
Classy Mr. McCullough You're lucky you draw so damn well.